In my production environment some SharePoint sites automatically blocked

Copper Contributor

In my production environment some SharePoint sites automatically blocked , how to audit who blocked those sites from purview audit ?


What may be the root couse for these sites get blocked automatically ? , 

This was found recently where some sites fail to backup from Rubrik backup tool 


Any comments would appreciate 


Best Regards


2 Replies



To audit who blocked the SharePoint sites, you can use the audit log in Microsoft Purview. Here are the steps12:

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft 365 compliance site using an account that has been assigned the appropriate audit permissions.
  2. In the left navigation pane of the compliance portal, click “Show all” and then click “Audit”.
  3. On the Audit page, configure the search using the necessary conditions.

Please note that you have to be assigned the Audit Logs or View-Only Audit Logs roles in the Microso...1.

As for the root cause of SharePoint sites getting blocked automatically, there could be several reas...345:

  1. Site Policies: SharePoint sites can be automatically closed and deleted based on site policies. These policies define the lifecycle of a site by specifying when the site will be closed and when it...3.
  2. Throttling: SharePoint Online uses throttling to maintain optimal performance and reliability of the service. Throttling limits the number of user and admin operations to prevent overuse of resources. If usage limits are exceeded, SharePoint Online throttles any further requests from that client for ...4.
  3. Permission Issues: If the permissions for the affected user aren’t configured correctly, or if there...5.


Hi Ren

Thanks very much for the information. i navigated to purview audit but seems cant find site blocking activity , can you help which activity i should tick for the purpose ?
Best Regards