If I read the SP list items for every 5mins using exe, will SharePoint give throttling error?

Brass Contributor

There is a need that I need to scan the SP list items from multiple lists for every 5 to 10mins to find discrepancies in the list. Right now number of list items are not even 200. But in future it will grow more. My question here is, if we run the exe  (console app) will SharePoint give throttling exception?  What is the idle frequency to get all list items?

3 Replies

@Mihir Yelamanchili I am not sure what is your business requirement but 5-10 mins is too much, if you have 200 records it will be fine, but let's say it has increased to 5000, based on what you do after getting all items can also take 5-10 items. You will probably not hit throttle limit or issues till you are less than 5000 but more than 5000 can be issue as it might cause SQL queries to lock the database which generally happens if you cross 5000. You probably know that views with 5000 items have problems so I am expecting same can happen for your app as well




I know throttling error will come after 5K with coding solutions. But I am not even talking about that. Some times Microsoft will show error on the page for throttling because of heavy traffic. I am talking about that

@Mihir Yelamanchili Since you are using a exe and I believe you will be making coding calls the page throttling will not impact