How to Successfully manage a SharePoint Intranet

Copper Contributor

Companies are always looking for ways to drive collaboration and production at their work place. Intranet portals are one way to drive internal communication and collaboration. Adopting an intranet portal is a growing trend now, an intranet portal that is based on SharePoint is a great solution that even fortune 500 companies are using it. Just adopting an intranet portal at your organization will not increase the collaboration and productivity all of a sudden, you need to have a proper plan and strategy to manage and execute the intranet processes. I have put together some here, consider that when making a plan to manage your intranet portal.

Gather Feedback : This is an important process in managing an intranet. Employees are using the intranet everyday and you need to understand if it is working for them. Collect feedback from them, resolve any issues that they report, issues that would affect their productivity.

Metadata: This is more of a back end thing, when you use metadata for storing you files, this allows you to add tags to your files that signify different things. These can be creation date, owner, last updated, and more. You can configure unique metadata in any number of ways that best fits your organization.

Monitor Adoption: When you adopt an intranet for the first time, the first few months might get a bit rough for employees, that is why it is important to keep close monitoring of the processes.

Assign managers: Assign managers for each department to update their news, other information and guide their team to a smooth adoption.

Consistent Branding: You might think this is unnecessary, but proper branding for your intranet is very important for the employees to feel re assured and do more productively.

Content Strategy: Have a clear and consistent content strategy for your intranet portal.

Managing an intranet portal can be very easy if you follow these steps.

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