How to create a Theme with the colors of your brand reusable in all SharePoint sites


The SharePoint Brand center introduces a brand color management experience along with a new experience for creating and managing themes for your organization.

The all-new brand color experience allows you to create a standard set of colors for your organization that will be utilized in other experiences.

This allows you to seamlessly create and standardize your color options.

You will also be able to create and manage your organization’s themes in the Brand center for SharePoint and Microsoft Viva Connections.

With this new theme creation and management experience, you will be able to easily create themes for your organization and make them available in the "Change the look" experience.

2 Replies

@GiulianoDeLuca Thanks for the post - appreciated.


One thing I'm trying to do is create a Theme with colors, fonts, images, etc., but not make this Theme (or any of the assets) available to anyone to use in their SharePoint sites.


I would then use PowerShell (or similar) to apply the Theme to specific sites. Effectively, we want to apply themes to certain sites, but not make those themes available to everyone to use. If we can't do this, then the entire Brand Center (where you can centrally manage themes) is extremely limited, and not at all what Microsoft has been telling us over the last two years.


Example: We want to apply a specific theme to our Cultural Heritage sites (has a very specific theme). We need to apply that to the Cultural Heritage sites, but not make the theme, images, fonts, colors, etc. available to anyone to use. Again, this is what Microsoft have been telling us is possible and one of the core features, but I can't see how it's possible with the current implementation.


Do you know if this is possible, and if so, how I can achieve this?


Also, any plans from Microsoft to remove the requirement for the Public CDN to be enabled? This is likely a showstopper for us.

Hi @grant_jenkins,
What you need according to your needs is something already available called Sites Templates, check this other video out:
Following this approach, you can target just a few people to be able to see the template which is able to apply a theme as well.