Highlighted Content web part - error when clicking through to pages when using Internet Explorer

Bronze Contributor

First noticed by a customer last week on their tenant, and reproduced today on my own tenant.


HCWP on a page, configured to display using Grid, Carousel or Filmstrip layout.


User using Internet Explorer on Windows 10, when clicking on an item that is a page, the browser attempts to browse to a URL like this:




The browser displays the error:


Sorry, something went wrong
The file or folder name contains characters that are not permitted.  Please use a different name.
This issue does not occur with file content - only pages.
The issue also does not occur if the HCWP layout is set to 'list'
I'm going to open a ticket - but has anyone else seen this?
4 Replies

@Rob Ellis, I have the same issue on our tenent.  i have created a ticket. 

I've had a ticket open since November - they were able to reproduce, and I've been told a fix is rolling out since before Christmas - but testing today, the issue persists for me.

@Rob Ellis This also happens for us.  We get the error your described, but only with IE.  In Edge it works just fine--even using the Grid layout.  Telling my users to switch to Edge not a good answer for me.

I've just tested and found it has been fixed in my tenant now.