Highlighted Content - Sort by Title

Copper Contributor

I am using the Highlighted content web part on my modern site.


(An out of the Box, Sharepoint Online Team site)


I am attempting to create a "contents" page which lists the document libraries in the current Site.


I can filter for the document libraries (ContentClass equals STS_List_DOcumentLibrary) but I cant seem to order the returned items by Title


Is there any sortable Managed property that contains the title? 

I tried using filename but the list is still in a weird order.




5 Replies

Hi @Chris Gray 


You can navigate to Site Settings -> Search Schema, map one of the RefinableString to the list/document title and use that property in Highlighted Content. I did the same for site title. I mapped it to Title property and then used RefinableString in Highlighted Content webpart



Thanks for your message, it made sense and I configured it as below.



But I still cant see the property in the web part ...



Am I doing something wrong ???


@Chris Gray 


I think it will appear after the next search crawl. You can try typing in entire name and clicking on save.



Not for me ... I think something might be wrong with my configuration ... Thanks for your help though.  

@Chris Gray Hi Chris, I was wondering, did you ever figure this out?  I'm trying to do the same thing on SharePoint Online and having troubles with any steps involving Managed Property.  Thanks!  Nick