Highlighted Content - Filtering based on multiple enterprise keywords

Copper Contributor



I'm trying to achieve te following:


I created a document library. In this library I created an 'enterprise keywords column' that I use to tag my documents (works very good btw). 

Next I created a new modern sharepoint page. On this page I added the Highlighted Content app and tried to adjust it by setting filtering options. As filter I chose to filter based on Managed Properties - more specifically I chose the managed property: 'TAGS'. I tried to set   'TAGS Contains  tag1' (where tag1 is an example tag used in the document library mentioned above). --> this worked perfectly .. Then I wanted to filter based on two tags.. so  I tried to set 'TAGS CONTAINS  tag1;tag2'..  --> this gave no results. However all documents in my library were taged with both tags. Indeed, if I changed the filter to 'TAGS CONTAINS tag2', everything works as expected again!


Can someone please help me in filtering highlighted content based on multiple tags?


Thanks in advance,


4 Replies

Have you tried adding multiple filters with a single value instead of one filter with multiple values?


Instead of using one filter TAGS Contains Tag1;Tag2 I think you should be able to add two filters:

- TAGS Contains Tag1

- TAGS Contains Tag2

Thanks for the quick reply!

Indeed, that's something that I tried to do. However this does not give me the desired result.
Your proposed solution gives me all documents that have either tag1 or tag2 or both.


The desired result of my filter was: only those documents that contain both tag1 and tag2. No less, no more..


Thanks though!

Indeed, using more than 1 filter will only give you ALL documents tagged with tag1 OR tag2. 

If you are still facing this issue, please vote on the UserVoice here: https://office365.uservoice.com/forums/264636-general/suggestions/32071210-highlighted-content-web-p...

Hi Marijn, were you able to resolve this issue?