Filter query string URL - SharePoint

Brass Contributor

We have a page on SharePoint with a search box and a results web part, which displays every user in our SharePoint user profiles. Each user has several managed properties associated with them (e.g. Location, Name, Email Address, etc). We have a managed property called "Team" which is mapped to a crawled property called "RefinableString02" and is free text.


I would like to set up a URL so that each Team can have their own search results with their team in. (For example IT will have their own URL for all those where Team=IT). I have tried doing this using simple ?k=IT but this brings back everything with IT in (e.g. if someone in marketing has put IT in their bio). 


Is this possible?

3 Replies

Hello @Sam1209 


it's the target from the full text index SharePoint search to find all in a field, so this behaviour it's absolutly correct. 


You need to use structured informations to use it in search, here are a great example for an useful People Search:


Best, Dave

Thanks David, very useful. However, we are still using SharePoint Classic on the site that we wish to deploy this on. Are you aware of any alternative?

Hello @Sam1209 


you can also use search web parts in classic....





Best, Dave