Embed WebPart: display list view from another website

Brass Contributor



I am trying to display a certain list view from another website with the Embed WebPart in a modern page.


The URL format for a dedicated list view is as usual: https://bla.sharepoint.com/sites/sitename/Lists/Listname/30%20Items%20view.aspx?viewid=316ce30f%2Dc3...


The issue is, that the Embed WebPart displays the list but ignores the parameter viewid in the URL. So the default view is shown in the Embed WebPart. Any suggestions to solve this?




3 Replies

@AndréS Please find the below steps which will solve the problem: To start with I created a list named as EmbedList.



then created a view in the list named as Even.aspx


Once view is ready, go to the page where I wanted to embed the list and I used actual view url instead of the view id and it worked:


Please find the screenshot of the page where the list needed to be appear with correct view:2019-10-03_1351.png

Hope this helps!

@Vikram_Samal , is there a way to display only the list items and not controls bar on top?


you could try to add "?env=Embedded" to the url. That will hide the page navigation and the header. But this seems to already have been hidden in your example.

Then you could apply this sharepoint list formatting:

  "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/sp/view-formatting.schema.json",
  "commandBarProps": {
    "commands": [
        "key": "addShortcut",
        "hide": true
        "key": "addTemplate",
        "hide": true
        "key": "aiBuilder",
        "hide": true
        "key": "aiBuilderCreate",
        "hide": true
        "key": "aiBuilderGoto",
        "hide": true
        "key": "alertMe",
        "hide": true
        "key": "automate",
        "hide": true
        "key": "automateCreateRule",
        "hide": true
        "key": "automateManageRules",
        "hide": true
        "key": "checkIn",
        "hide": true
        "key": "checkOut",
        "hide": true
        "key": "classifyAndExtract",
        "hide": true
        "key": "comment",
        "hide": true
        "key": "copyLink",
        "hide": true
        "key": "copyTo",
        "hide": true
        "key": "delete",
        "hide": true
        "key": "download",
        "hide": true
        "key": "edit",
        "hide": true
        "key": "editInGridView",
        "hide": true
        "key": "editNewMenu",
        "hide": true
        "key": "export",
        "hide": true
        "key": "exportCSV",
        "hide": true
        "key": "exportExcel",
        "hide": true
        "key": "integrate",
        "hide": true
        "key": "manageAlert",
        "hide": true
        "key": "moveTo",
        "hide": true
        "key": "new",
        "hide": true
        "key": "newExcelWorkbook",
        "hide": true
        "key": "newFolder",
        "hide": true
        "key": "newFormsForExcel",
        "hide": true
        "key": "newLink",
        "hide": true
        "key": "newOneNoteNotebook",
        "hide": true
        "key": "newPowerPointPresentation",
        "hide": true
        "key": "newVisioDrawing",
        "hide": true
        "key": "newWordDocument",
        "hide": true
        "key": "open",
        "hide": true
        "key": "openInImmersiveReader",
        "hide": true
        "key": "openInOfficeClient",
        "hide": true
        "key": "openInOfficeOnline",
        "hide": true
        "key": "pinItem",
        "hide": true
        "key": "pinToQuickAccess",
        "hide": true
        "key": "powerApps",
        "hide": true
        "key": "powerAppsCreateApp",
        "hide": true
        "key": "powerAppsCustomizeForms",
        "hide": true
        "key": "powerAppsSeeAllApps",
        "hide": true
        "key": "powerAutomate",
        "hide": true
        "key": "powerAutomateConfigureFlows",
        "hide": true
        "key": "powerAutomateCreateFlow",
        "hide": true
        "key": "powerAutomateSeeFlows",
        "hide": true
        "key": "powerBI",
        "hide": true
        "key": "powerBIVisualizeList",
        "hide": true
        "key": "properties",
        "hide": true
        "key": "rename",
        "hide": true
        "key": "share",
        "hide": true
        "key": "sync",
        "hide": true
        "key": "undoCheckOut",
        "hide": true
        "key": "unpinFromQuickAccess",
        "hide": true
        "key": "upload",
        "hide": true
        "key": "uploadFile",
        "hide": true
        "key": "uploadFolder",
        "hide": true
        "key": "uploadTemplate",
        "hide": true
        "key": "versionHistory",
        "hide": true
        "key": "viewDocumentUnderstandingModels",
        "hide": true
        "key": "manageAccess",
        "hide": true

If hides most of the command buttons from the view

But not the "View" & "Filter" settings on the right side.


Also the "Share"->"Manage Access" command does not seem to be hideable due to a bug (https://github.com/SharePoint/sp-dev-docs/issues/8546) .

Best Regards,