Edit a list in grid view with content types

Copper Contributor

Hi everyone!


not sure if I am at the right place.


I am looking for some guidance in a problem I am facing with my Sharepoint implementation and I can't find any relevant information about it.


I have a list with 6 different content types, and each content type has a distinct structure, with unique columns and shared columns among the other content types.


My problem is when I try to edit this list in grid view (since I need to import data from my previous system using copy / past from Excel), SharePoint doesn't me allow to fill in the Content Type column (saying it's a read-only one), and therefore I am not able to define previously what are the fields that are relevant for the specific item.


I tried to create a view with all the existing columns, and to fill in the columns from that specific item but I didn't succeed as Sharepoint started asking me to fill in other columns apparently mandatory (although not for that specific item / content type), and at the end it created an item with another content type.


How can I import an item from a list with several content types using the EDIT IN GRID VIEW mode? I used successfully this method previously in another list, but with only one content type...


Is there any way to avoid create the items one by one? :(


All the best!


3 Replies
My guess here is that the Grid View is not well prepared for the scenario you are mentioning here and there is not a direct and intuitive way to achieve what you need here
Really? My bad for taking it for granted a list may have more than one content type, let alone be able to import more than a single row of data at a time. How do we bulk Import list data since Copy and Paste now no longer works right either. I don't know what on earth made me think I could get more accomplished in my day or improve my productivity thinking I could import my data file of several thousand line items in quickly. I need to realize and appreciate what SharePoint Online has to offer compared to previous versions. Yeah, maybe I should be more grateful with this dumbed down tool they offer. I'm sorry, I'm embarrassed for think this should work like it does today. Of course, I'm sure everyone has time to manually enter everything one record at a time. Bravo ! What an Improvement we can appreciate! Can't wait to see what else we won't be able to do anymore.


How about defaulting the required content type in list settings and then create a separate view as datasheet view to import data. Don't add content type column in this view.

Normally when importing data in edit view mode it automatically takes the default content type.


It's just a work around and to avoid bringing data row by row manually.