Documents search from another Team Site in the same tenant

Copper Contributor

I have created a Team site with multiple document libraries and added links for the other site's document libraries, and I want to search for documents from other site document libraries. (within the same tenant). Unfortunately, I cannot search documents from other sites' document libraries.
Please can anyone guide me that how I can accomplish this- I am a new user of SharePoint.

2 Replies
I started using sharepoint last year.
I have also tried to display the document libraries from another site on a different team site as well, but could not find a way to do so. As a final compromise, I decided to embed the document library by Iframe.

Hello @Alpha221


as we texted private with your additional requirement:

I want to search other libraries' from my team site through the search box (Microsoft Search Box). 


It is possible to configure the Microsoft Search Scope:

> When all your team sites are associated to a hub


Other way is to configure a custom search page with the PnP Modern Search WebParts:

> for highly search customization with a free solution


Other way is to configure your own Microsoft Search Vertical. In your vertical you can add the URLs from the libraries, that you want to search:


Hope this information and links help you for a good solution.


Regards, Dave