Display built in word properties in sharepoint library

Copper Contributor

Is there a way for sharepoint libraries to display contents of the built-in word properties as metadata?

1 Reply

Yes, simply define columns in the SharePoint library that use exactly the same name as the Word metadata fields. For example, Subject.
Note: if you use a different language in Word then create columns with the English name in SharePoint.
For example, the property "Onderwerp" (Dutch for Subject) in a Word file is "promoted" to the SharePoint column named "Subject". If you had defined the SharePoint column with the name "Onderwerp" then the value would NOT be stored in SharePoint.
If you want to use a different column name in SharePoint to store property values then you will need to use 3rd party tools. There are tools that allow mapping of properties in various file formats (Word, PDF, email, jpg, tiff, ...) to custom SharePoint columns where you control the naming.
Paul | SLIM Applications (https://www.slimapplications.com/ )