Apr 27 2023 11:56 AM
Hello. I am looking to build a data validation logic in a SharePoint list where if a user selects Business Impact or Environmental choices under 'Type of Activity' category, the user will be able to select corresponding choices from subcategories if only one of the mentioned categories was selected. For instance, if 'Type of Activity' is Property Damage, and a user selects an item under 'Business' or 'Environmental' subcategories, the user will receive an error message. Please advise if there is a workaround for that. Thank you.
Apr 27 2023 12:19 PM
Hi @meteora - here are 3 approaches to filtering choices based on previous choices: Working with Cascading Lists in SharePoint and Power Apps | Microsoft Learn
Hope that helps!
Apr 28 2023 08:22 AM
@Kelly_Edinger Thank you for your response! The cascading methods described in the tutorial you shared are more relevant to working with multiple lists. In my scenario, I am trying to create a data validation between columns in one list with error message.
Apr 28 2023 09:29 AM