Custom link to a teams chat with a person (Call to action or button)

Copper Contributor

Hi everyone, 


I want to have a button on SharePoint or a call to action which directs someone to a team chat with me. 


So when they click the link/button, it automatically opens up a Microsoft teams chat with Me.


Is this possible to do?


Thank you,


9 Replies
Hi David,
Thank you for your reply. Is it possible to have the second link open up a chat with a specific person rather than just a blank chat and having to search for them?

Hello @Dynamicshs 


yes, use the correct email address after "users=" instead of "email address removed for privacy reasons ", that will open a chat with the person you have mentioned in the "users=" parameter.


Best, Dave

@DaveMehr365 that still doesn't work, but you would think it would!  We still have to manually enter their name unfortunately.

@BGLiMu  @DaveMehr365 

Hi both, 

I do have the same issue. I think it is related to the "@" in the email address. If I create in SharePoint a call for action as a buttom with a url link, it is transforming the "@" out of the email within the URL to the MS Teams Chat into "%40" after saving what I edited. @DaveMehr365 Could that cause the issue? From my logical point of view, the user cannot be identified in MS Teams due to that. Than MS Teams will only create a "New conversation/chat"(due to not found) and you have to type the name or search for the name again.




if you replace the @ with %40 which is the ascii code for @ it will work. You can also create a group text by linking email addresses together with %2C which is ascii for a comma. 

Thank you, is it possible to do the same with a video chat? I tried "videocall" instead of "call", but it didn't work



I tried to do a quick lookup and came up with nothing. A chat is passive, a call has to be answered. I think the only way to do that would be to add video to the chat or set up a meeting. 



woohoo, inserting the company email address after the EQUALS sign, did the trick.  Thanks Buckets!