Mar 31 2023 07:11 AM - edited Mar 31 2023 11:44 AM
I'm trying out managed metadata and have two one oddity.
I created a term set and set Submission policy to "open". I added a managed metadata field to a list connected to that set, and set "allow users to add new values" = yes.
1) I can add terms from the term set UI, but cannot add terms from the sharepoint edit item interface. when I type a new item there manually and hit enter, it highlights the new term in red and says "correct the problem." When I hit the tag button to the left of the input box, then try again, it still fails. However, when I switch to the classic interface from that screen, I'm able to successfully add terms. 2) searching a site by terms from that set does not yield items with that term in their managed metadata column. Am I doing something wrong? Does it just take a while for the crawler to hit updated items?
Edit: search find the item several hours after tagging - looks like the crawler is just slow.
Apr 01 2023 05:33 AM
May 16 2023 07:22 AM
SolutionMay 16 2023 07:23 AM
Jan 12 2024 03:39 AM
@vgyrikpceg I just faced the same bug. I just created my term set so it didn't fix itself yet and I need to use classic view to add items which is fine for now, thanks for the tip!
May 16 2023 07:22 AM