Jun 21 2022 12:22 PM
I am trying to create a calculated column that will take the outcome of a different column and auto populate this field with a choice.
so for example the ranges would be >=60 in the other field would auto select High Risk, >=30 and <59 would auto select Medium Risk and lastly <29 would auto select Low Risk
Jun 22 2022 04:00 AM
@christopherturner87 Try using below formula in calculated column:
=IF([Other Field] < 29, "Low Risk", IF([Other Field] < 59, "Medium Risk", "High Risk"))
You can adjust less than (<) and greater than or equal (>=) conditions as per your requirements.
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Jun 23 2022 08:21 AM
@ganeshsanap so when i do the first two it works but when i try to add in the 3rd set for the high risk i get this error: The formula contains a syntax error or is not supported.
I found another example that is more of what i am looking for because i need a low, medium and high risk so the medium needs to be a range between 30-59.
Here is the formula that I found
=IF([Risk Rating]<29,"Low Risk",IF(AND[Risk Rating]>30, [Risk Rating]<59,"Medium Risk",IF([Risk Rating]>60,"High Risk")))
Any ideas?
Jun 24 2022 01:20 AM
Solution@christopherturner87 Did you try formula given in my answer above?
If it is not working for you, try this:
=IF([Risk Rating]<29,"Low Risk",IF(AND([Risk Rating]>30,[Risk Rating]<59),"Medium Risk",IF([Risk Rating]>60,"High Risk", "")))
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Jun 24 2022 08:20 AM
Jun 24 2022 01:20 AM
Solution@christopherturner87 Did you try formula given in my answer above?
If it is not working for you, try this:
=IF([Risk Rating]<29,"Low Risk",IF(AND([Risk Rating]>30,[Risk Rating]<59),"Medium Risk",IF([Risk Rating]>60,"High Risk", "")))
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