Automated In/Out Board in SharePoint 2013 with Outlook Presence

Copper Contributor

We have a need to create a departmental Staff automated In/Out Board listing all staff, capturing their presence from Outlook and displaying onto a SharePoint 2013 (on premise versus O365) page. To keep it simple we would like to display name and status (based upon Outlook presence). If we could capture information like "in a meeting" or "Busy" or "Away" or "On a call" that would be even better. Any advice or guidance would be most helpful...

1 Reply
Outlook Presence is determined based on Skype for Business / Online or Microsoft Teams. Those services can set that presence based on calendar items. Leveraging these however is not a simple task from SharePoint. I don't think you can even query the Presence via Graph yet. Until then you are probably limited here. You might go check out Skype for Business / Teams programming discussion area's for idea's / help here, since out of the box SHarePoint doesn't have any way to do this.