App Management Service Application stuck starting

Copper Contributor



I need some help with setting up a service application, the one in question is the App Management Service Application.  It is currently sat with a status of 'Starting' (see below)Status stuck on StartingStatus stuck on Starting

I have tried the following steps:

  • Restarted IIS
  • Restarted Timer Service
  • Tried unprovisioning then provisioning the service via powershell
  • Deleting the service application and recreating it (this times out, so I have to then use stsadm command to remove it through powershell)
  • Rebooting the server

All the commands are done using the Central Administration admin account, also tried with the Farm account and this makes no difference.


Some guidance would be great!




1 Reply

@Ryan Taylor 

$srvc = Get-SPServiceInstance -Identity [paste in the GUID for the service]

$srvc = Get-SPServiceInstance -Identity [paste in the GUID for the service]



iisreset /noforce


this shoudl work