Anonymous users being prompted for credentials when accessing documents with Edge

Copper Contributor

We have an on-prem SharePoint instance running a public site.  There are document libraries on the site with anonymous access enabled.


Recently, we've noticed that if a user follows the link to a document in that library using Edge, the document will open in Word (assuming they have Word installed), but will ask for a username and password.


If they use any other browser, the document just downloads like normal.


Is there anything we can do on our end to stop this behavior?

2 Replies
This is an issue with TLS 1.2 settings in the ie/ edge browser. You need try disabling tls1.2 nad check
Thanks Aravinda, but since we don't have control over our site visitor's web browsers, I don't think this solution would work for us.

We were able to solve the problem using URL re-writes. We found that if you tried to download the file using this URL, it would work properly:

So we have a rule that catches any document download attempts and redirects them to that path instead.