Announcement list, new form, populate field with known value?

Iron Contributor

We have a list of announcements that are related to customers - the customer is a lookup column in the announcements list.


When our end-users are working with a specific customer and have the need to create a new announcement for that customer, they would be happy if the customer lookup already contained the known customer.


We created a new form for announcement creation and have tried the following:

1. Manually calling the new form with the customer id as a querystring parameter. Added a Query String (URL) Filter that takes the customer id. The new form web part was then connected to the query string (URL) filter as a filter parameter to the customer lookup field. This did not work!


2. The same as above but connected as a parameter - unable to choose the customer as the parameter to receive the value.


3. Using SharePoint Designer, located the code and tried to pass on the customer id using different SharePoint:FormField options - Value, ItemFieldValue, ListItemFieldValue - but to no avail. Getting errors every time!


Could you kindly advice on the above? Is it possible?


Kind regards, John

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