🖊️How to customize the command bar of Microsoft Lists [File Preview, Thumbnail]

In this video tutorial, I’ll show you how to customize the command bar in Microsoft Lists, moreover, we'll see how to use new properties in list view & column formatting to display thumbnails and file previews.
Below is the list of the new properties:
  • getThumbnailImage: returns a URL pointing to an image for a given image field and preferred size.
  • Use the special elmType file preview in conjunction with the src attribute set to @thumbnail.Size to view thumbnails for files in your document library.
  • Command bar customization helps personalize a list to suit specific requirements. The JSON-based feature allows basic changes to the command bar, including modification of icon and/or text, hiding existing options, or repositioning commands.
#MicrosoftLists #Tutorial #Outlook #GiulianoDeLuca #KnowledgeSharing #SharePoint #Lists #MicrosoftSharePoint

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