⚙️ How to create Microsoft / SharePoint lists with integrated Approval workflows


In a new list created, users can create a list item and submit it for approval by creating an approval request and specifying the approver, the request will appear in the Approvals app in Teams or can be approved directly within the list. 

Once approved, the list item status is updated. 

The new list templates will automatically appear on the Create list from the template screen.

This is an optional feature that users can leverage by using one of the two new list templates.

#Lists #Teams #MicrosoftTeams #giulianodeluca #remotework #remotelearning #Microsoft #corporate #tutorial #officetips #Microsoft365 #MicrosoftLists #Approvals


2 Replies

@GiulianoDeLuca I'm getting error message - "This action is part of an experimental feature that is not supported in the current enviroment". Are you accessing this functionality as an "early adopter" or do you have access to this through "targeted release" meaning this functionaility is not actually available to standard users yet?.

Thanks answered on my YouTube Channel