Yammer access token through SPO internal token end point

Copper Contributor

Hi Community,


I am using spfx-react to build a SharePoint web part. The web part needs to communicate with Yammer Rest API's. However, Azure Active Directory does not provide application permissions for the Yammer API which means i won't be able to use the OAuth 2.0 implicit grant flow without showing the login screen to user.

Another option is to register an application in Yammer portal and get the access token.

I have also come across another end point that SharePoint is using to communicate with Yammer and that's

_api/SP.OAuth.Token/Acquire. I know that's for internal use but just want to know would it be fine, if i use the same end point to get the access token for Yammer only ?

If anyone knows about any other solution other than what is mentioned above to use the implicit flow to get Yammer access token without showing login screen to user, please share with me.

Let me know if you need more detail. Looking forward to hear from you guys soon.
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