Warning from Webpack task in SPFx solution

Copper Contributor

Hi, I'm building a solution with SharePoint Framework 1.9.1.

It contains one single but rather complex Webpart. Whenever I do "gulp bundle" (with or without --ship) I'm getting a bunch of warning messages:

[16:37:58] Starting subtask 'configure-webpack'... 
[16:37:58] Warning - [configure-webpack] Unable to resolve project "@microsoft/node-core-library". Ensure it has been linked. 
[16:37:58] Warning - [configure-webpack] Unable to resolve project "@types/lodash". Ensure it has been linked. 
[16:37:58] Warning - [configure-webpack] Unable to resolve project "@microsoft/microsoft-graph-client". Ensure it has been linked. 
[16:37:58] Warning - [configure-webpack] Unable to resolve project "@types/adal-angular". Ensure it has been linked. 
[16:37:58] Warning - [configure-webpack] Unable to resolve project "adal-angular". Ensure it has been linked. 
[16:37:58] Warning - [configure-webpack] Unable to resolve project "es6-collections". Ensure it has been linked. 
[16:37:58] Warning - [configure-webpack] Unable to resolve project "@types/requirejs". Ensure it has been linked. 
[16:37:58] Warning - [configure-webpack] Unable to resolve project "requirejs". Ensure it has been linked. 
[16:37:59] Warning - [configure-webpack] Unable to resolve project "prop-types". Ensure it has been linked. 
[16:38:01] Finished subtask 'configure-webpack' after 2.97 s


As far as I can tell the solution is working fine. I didn't import and I'm not directly using any of the mentioned packages in my solution and they aren't referenced in the package.json either.

Does anyone know what can be done to get rid of those warnings? They make it harder to spot the real problems when building the solution.


What I've tried so far:

  • Reinstalled Node.js
  • Reinstalled gulp
  • Upgraded npm to 6.1.0
  • Run "npm dedupe" and "npm install" in the root dir of the solution
  • Installed one of the mentioned packages with "npm install package-name"

But all of that didn't affect any single warning.

Hoping someone can help me with that.

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