Update link on SP page to point to new PowerApp form instead of InfoPath form




I am trying to replace an old InfoPath form with a new PowerApp form. I can go to the list setting and change it to use the PowerApp form but there is a link on the SP home page that still directs to the old InfoPath form. Below is the HTML element for the InfoPath form on the SP home page. Can someone help me modify this to that is will pull up the PowerApp form?



<a href="/teams/OCTOSBD/K360/_layouts/15/listform.aspx?PageType=8&amp;ListId=%7BE1D3FC29%2DDDAC%2D41E3%2DB603%2DEC7E6BA6191D%7D&amp;RootFolder=" class="submit-request">K360 <br>Request Form</a>

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