SharePoint PnP Webcast - Integrating Angular v1.x to SharePoint Framework client side web part


In this PnP Web Cast we concentrated on how to start using Angular 1.x with SharePoint Framework client-side web parts. Web cast concentrates on a demo where we start from clean client-side web part project and apply the steps to be able to start using Angular 1.x in the implementation. Process is pretty similar regardless of the JavaScript framework which you are using. 


Notice. When this web cast was released SharePoint Framework were not yet available in Office 365 tenants. This recording was done using internal preview release of SharePoint Framework, so some details might be slightly changed by the time when SP Framework is released for first release tenants (summer 2016). 


Video and more details available from following blog post: Office Dev PnP Webcast – Integrating Angular v1.x to SharePoint Framework client side web part.


Please let us know, if you have any questions, comments or feedback.

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