SharePoint Patterns & Practices - PnP Core and PnP PowerShell SIG recording - 8th of March



SharePoint Patterns and Practices (PnP) - PnP Core, PnP PowerShell and provisioning engine Special Interest Group (SIG) bi-weekly call recording from the 8th of March meeting is now available from PnP YouTube channel at Presentation is available from the PnP docs at


Topics covered on 8th of March 2017

  • February 2017 statistics around PnP usage in SPO - 3:05
  • Modern SharePoint site creation using SharePoint REST APIs - 10:20
    • DEMO - Demonstration of new REST APIs for modern site creation - 15:00
  • Understanding modern list fallback mechanism and how to solve reason why list is rendered in classic view - 37:48
    • DEMO - Documentation updates on modern list guidance - 42:33
  • Information on upcoming SharePoint REST API and PnP Sites Core documentation improvements - 47:05
  • Open Q&A - 49:13

PnP Core Component, PnP PowerShell and provisioning engine Special Interest Group bi-weekly calls are targeted for anyone who are interested on the PnPCorecomponent and PnP PowerShell capabilities in SharePoint Online and in SharePoint on-premises. 


You can download recurrent invite from Welcome and join the discussion. If you have any questions, comments or feedback, feel free to provide your input as comments to this post as well.

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