SharePoint Online Search Configuration

Copper Contributor

I am working on automation of best bets (query rules) management in SharePoint Online. There are parts which are working an there are some basic ones not working.


I am using the ImportConfiguration facility of SearchConfigurationPortability to import the search settings to a SharePoint Online site collection.


What's working - Creation of best bets

What's not working - Updation of existing best bets. If I have to change description for a best bet or mark something active / inactive, the import configuration approach is not working.


Is this a known behavior or I am facing issues because I may have done something wrong?

2 Replies

In my experience this is known behavior and you're not doing anything wrong. The same behavior is there when using the search configuration import / export pages in the browser...

I wish limitations are published in the documentation. Knowing limitations as an after effect is very painful.