SharePoint on-premise integration with Dynamics CRM on-premise

Copper Contributor


I want to integrate SharePoint on-premise with Dynamics CRM 8.2 on-premise.

I followed the documentation that Microsoft provides for setting up the integration.

1.Dynamics CRM  with AD FS and IFD 

2.Instaling Sharepoint 2016 with the latest update and configuring to be accessed on https with SSL (i used the same SSL certificate that i used on the IFD it's a wildcard certificate)

So now i have the problem with connecting the Sharpoit with the Dynamics server.

In the documentation, there is a PowerShell command to integrate the s2sTokenIssued certificate but there is no explanation about where to acquire that certificate.


Here is the line:

.\CertificateReconfiguration.ps1 -certificateFile c:\Personalcertfile.pfx -password personal_certfile_password -updateCrm -certificateType S2STokenIssuer -serviceAccount Domain\UserName -storeFindType FindBySubjectDistinguishedName


When i use the same wildcard certificate i cannot access the CRM 🙂 

Can some of you help me with instructions or link to some documentation?



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