SharePoint modern pages - using API to post comments with specified date, author, etc.

Copper Contributor



For my ongoing project, I am attempting to post the comment to SharePoint modern page using the the below REST API.




I am able to post the comments, but while posting, I am not able to edit any property of the comment besides the comment text like author, date.


Is it now possible to alter the date published, author info, etc.?


Thanks in advance!

2 Replies

@PrashantBhojani hello, i have a similar scenario, i would like to update the comments on a list item using an http call in power automate, but i'm not able to make it works. could you please provide how does your rest api works? thanks in advance!!

Did you find way how to post comments with specific date and user?

I need migrate comments from old sharepoint and stuck now with this problem.