Aug 16 2017 11:44 AM
there is currently rather conflicting training advice for new SPFx developers. Can anyone confirm what is the correct guidance for this setup please? I have found these two completely different guidance docs.
in "General availability of Office 365 CDN" Vesa Juvonen - Published April 21, 2017
this proposes the command set
Set-SPOTenantCdnEnabled -CdnType Public
Add-SPOTenantCdnOrigin -CdnType Public -OriginUrl /sites/site/library
Get-SPOTenantCdnOrigins -CdnType Public
resulting in<tenant host name>/sites/site/library
then in the latest promoted developer training video
Deploying SharePoint Framework components to production - Deploying to SharePoint CDN
this proposes a different command set (earlier?)
Set-SPOTenant -PublicCdnEnabled $true
New-SPOPublicCdnOrigin Url: https://<tenant host name>/sites/site/library
resulting in<tenant host name>/1544004027c884490c55638fcb53de1f5d4897c5ea7513c1c0849dd7d8f4314cbda99429
both command sets appear to run in the latest Sharepoint Online Command shell
thanks all
Aug 22 2017 09:59 AM
Aug 22 2017 11:51 AM
you are quite right, I have tried both methods now and the one that works is
Connect-SPOService -Url https://<my tenant admin>
Get-SPOTenantCdnEnabled -CdnType Public
Add-SPOTenantCdnOrigin -CdnType Public -OriginUrl sites/spfxdev/devcdn
the CDN base path is then
please team could someone pull the old guidance?