Scan document data before uploading to sharepoint using keywords, patterns, regex

Copper Contributor

Hi, We are trying to detect sensitive documents before they are uploaded to SP using keywords, patterns, regex. Is there any tools that can scan a document before it allowed to upload based on above.


Thanks, Mike

2 Replies
No before, you will need the processing once the document is loaded in the document library and if you detect something sensitive, move the document to another could implement this scenario with:
(1) Flow so eveytime a file is uploaded in the document library, you dected if the content is senstive or not. This flow might need to call an Azure Function that process the document and actually determines if the content is sensitive
(2) Webhooks and the same idea as Flow
(3) An Azure function that is executed every minute and checks if there is new content in the document library that needs to be processed

Thanks for the response.... Does FLOW run on-prem or would we have to setup a GW to our tenant using a FLOW connector?