Programmatically Download a File in a SharePoint Folder Using VBA

Copper Contributor

I have tried every conceivable way to Programmatically Download a File (.jpg) from a Sharepoint Site. Initially, I was successful, but then it simply stopped working. Can anyone give me some insight into this? The Code is posted below, minus the API Declarations which I know are correct. The proper File is generated and the URL is correct, but it simply will not Open (improper format). Thanks in advance.

Dim lngRetVal As Long
Dim lngCache As Long
'*********************************************** TEST PARAMETERS ***********************************************
Const conFILE_NAME = "Gates, Bill.jpg"
Const conPHOTO_PATH = "C:\Member_Photos"
Const conURL_PATH_TO_PHOTO = "" & _

lngCache = DeleteUrlCacheEntry(conURL_PATH_TO_PHOTO & Replace(conFILE_NAME, " ", "%20"))    'Encode the Space?

If Dir(conPHOTO_PATH, vbDirectory) = "" Then
  If Dir(conPHOTO_PATH & "\*.jpg") <> "" Then Kill conPHOTO_PATH & "\*.jpg"
    lngRetVal = URLDownloadToFile(0, conURL_PATH_TO_PHOTO & conFILE_NAME, conPHOTO_PATH & "\" & conFILE_NAME, 0, 0)
End If
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