PnP provisioning Search Setting Verticals

Copper Contributor

I manually added some custom verticals in my O365 Search Settings (in the Search Center). That's working fine in the corresponding Navigation Web Part.


But now I have to provision this verticals with PnP (in a xml template). How can I do that?

5 Replies

Hi @T. de Groot,


Do you mean  the Search Navigation options?



So rather than Everything, People, Coversations and Videos you have custom links here?



That's exactly the situation. But how I can configure this with a PnP xml template is rocket science for me.

Interesting question. I had a look through the templates even when I included the search configuration with 

Get-PnPProvisioningTemplate -Out search.xml -IncludeSearchConfiguration 

These options aren't exported. It might be worth it to report this as an issue on the github site.



SearchNavigation is not in the schema at the moment.

In the next hour, i will create a Powershell CSOM script to do it. When it works, i will contribute to Git.

I Created my solution in Powershell CSOM. Now I have to recreate it for the PnP Scheme. It creates 5 custom verticals.



$node1Title ="Intranet"

$node2Title ="News"

$node3Title ="Documents"

$node4Title ="People"

$node5Title ="Everything"


$node1Url ="/sites/GI/En/search/Pages/results.aspx"

$node2Url ="/sites/GI/En/search/Pages/newsresults.aspx"

$node3Url ="/sites/GI/En/search/Pages/documentsresults.aspx"

$node4Url =""

$node5Url =""


$addNodes = $true


$Username = "" #Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter your username"

$Password = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter your password" -AsSecureString



$ctx = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($siteUrl)

$ctx.Credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($Username, $Password)


$web = $ctx.Web




#load navigation nodes

$nav = $web.Navigation



$srchNav = $nav.GetNodeById(1040);

[Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.NavigationNodeCollection] $sNodes = $srchNav.Children





#delete navigation nodes

for ($nodeID=0;$nodeID -lt $sNodes.Count;$nodeID++)


        $nNode = $sNodes[$nodeID];





#Create navigation nodes


if ($addNodes) {

$node5 = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.NavigationNodeCreationInformation

$node5.Title = $node5Title

$node5.Url = $node5Url

$node5.AsLastNode = $false

$node5.IsExternal = $true



write-host "Adding People"

$node4 = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.NavigationNodeCreationInformation

$node4.Title = $node4Title

$node4.Url = $node4Url

$node4.AsLastNode = $false

$node4.IsExternal = $true



write-host "Adding Documents"

$node3 = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.NavigationNodeCreationInformation

$node3.Title = $node3Title

$node3.Url = $node3Url

$node3.AsLastNode = $false

$node3.IsExternal = $true



write-host "Adding News"

$node2 = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.NavigationNodeCreationInformation

$node2.Title = $node2Title

$node2.Url = $node2Url

$node2.AsLastNode = $false

$node2.IsExternal = $true



write-host "Adding Intranet"

$node1 = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.NavigationNodeCreationInformation

$node1.Title = $node1Title

$node1.Url = $node1Url

$node1.AsLastNode = $false

$node1.IsExternal = $true


