Link entries from List B to List A, using primary key

Not applicable

I have two SharePoint lists, with the following columns:


List A:

  • Client Name
  • Client Address

List B:

  • Client Name
  • Project
  • Start Date
  • End Date


The relationship between these lists is one to many (A to B) - While List A has a list of unique clients, List B has numerous projects for one or more clients.


Is there any way of displaying all entries in List B in each record in List A, where the 'Client' values match? For example - if List B has 5 projects in it for 'Client 1', each of these projects display when 'Client 1' is opened in List A.



3 Replies

How about creating a Lookup field to List A, which connects to List B? With lookup column you can link items from List B to a column on List A and select which List B columns are displayed.

Something like this as an example


Do you need to display Client Name on List B?

Is this on modern or classic SharePoint?



This is exactly what I need - I have tried to do this but failed, how do I achieve this?


In answer to your questions, 'Client Name' is listed on List B, and I'm using SharePoint 2013.



Well, SharePoint 2013 only supports classic list views and it will look like this with out of the box list view. 

list.PNGSo you need to modify the list view (with SharePoint Designer possibly) or build data displaying solution on a page with web parts.