Issues with javascript/jQuery in Application Customizer - timing issue

Copper Contributor


I am trying to add javascript and css to my Sharepoint Online/Modern site using Application Customizer for the first time.


In my ApplicationCustomizer.ts, I try tlo load jquery and my oqn javascript from site assets using this code (I add a date/time string to avoid the page using cached javascript)


    let current_date: Date = new Date();
    let date_String: string = current_date.toString();
    date_String = current_date.toISOString()
    console.log('date_string = %s', date_String);
    SPComponentLoader.loadCss('' + date_String);
    SPComponentLoader.loadScript('' + date_String)
    SPComponentLoader.loadScript('' + date_String);


I also added the datestirng to jquery as I read it was how to force the javascript to load in the specified order.
My main javacript ((caj23.js) then uses jquery $(document).load() to run some code - however, this only works intermittently. When it fails, the console shows 


caj23.js?d=Mon%20Jan%2009%202023:50 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined​


which suggests jquery hadn't finished loading in time before the $(document).load() fired.
Is there any way to force the my javascript to wait until jQuery is ready? 
Or some other way to fix dependencies?
1 Reply
SPComponentLoader.loadScript('' + date_String, {
globalExportsName: 'jQuery'
}).then(($: any) => {
$(function () {
console.log('jQuery is loaded');
SPComponentLoader.loadScript('' + date_String, {}).then(() => {
// something