Is it possible to refresh SPFx WebParts on the page from SPFx header extension [ SPO ]

Copper Contributor

Hi Team ,


Greetings !!


I have got a requirement to refresh the SPFx Web Parts [ React WP's ]  from SPFx header extension from SPO Site.


We've a button in header extension which facilitates the user to select the location's and On-click of the button we would like to refresh the Web Parts [SPFx web parts  developed in react] to reload the data with the selected locations information .


So , would like to check the possibilities of refreshing SPFx WebParts on the page from SPFx header extension. It would be great if you can share your thoughts on this scenario.


Note : We don't want to refresh the whole page rather we want to refresh only portion of the page where we've SPFx web parts 


Thanks in advance , 




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