HOW TO: Hide web part when it's empty

Brass Contributor

I have a web part I wrote that I want to hide when there is no content in it (like the News web part). How do I do that?

5 Replies

@smithme There's usually an option to hide the web part if there's nothing to show. It's definitely on 'News', although maybe not on every web part.




Sorry, I wasn't more clear. I am writing a custom webpart. I want it to take up zero vertical space on the page when it is empty. How do I programmatically, tell my webpart to display:none;
I would add a CSS class of hidden that only has display:none and add that class to whatever element I want to hide if the webpart is empty.

@Fredrik_Fjllstrm Can you post an example of how to do this?  I'm having the same issue. 

Thanks so much!

@mcads I wondered that exact question myself and asked Microsoft Copilot. Here's what it said:

Certainly! To conditionally hide an element within a SharePoint Online page using CSS, you can create a custom CSS class with the property display: none. Then, apply this class to the desired element based on specific conditions (such as whether a web part is empty). Here’s how you can achieve this:

  1. Create a Custom CSS Class:

    • You can define a CSS class that sets the display property to none. This class will be used to hide the element.
    • For example, let’s create a class called .custom-hidden:
      .custom-hidden {
          display: none;
  2. Identify the Element to Hide:

    • Determine which element you want to hide. It could be a specific div, section, or any other HTML element within your SharePoint page.
  3. Apply the Custom Class Conditionally:

    • Depending on your scenario (e.g., if a web part is empty), you can add the .custom-hidden class to the element.
    • You can do this dynamically using JavaScript or directly in your HTML markup.
  4. Example Usage:

    • Let’s say you want to hide a specific div with the ID myElement when a web part is empty:
      <div id="myElement" class="custom-hidden">
          <!-- Content of the element -->
    • If the web part is empty, the myElement div will be hidden due to the applied .custom-hidden class.
  5. Content Editor Web Part (Classic):

    • If you’re working with classic pages, you can use a Content Editor Web Part to inject your custom CSS directly into the page.
    • Add the CSS snippet within the Content Editor Web Part to hide the desired element.
  6. Modern Pages:

    • In modern pages, you can use the Script Editor Web Part (if available) or the SPFx (SharePoint Framework) to inject custom CSS.
    • Alternatively, you can link an external CSS file using the File Viewer Web Part or SPFx Application Customizer.

Remember to adjust the class name (custom-hidden) and the element ID (myElement) according to your specific use case. Additionally, consider using the appropriate method based on whether you’re working with classic or modern SharePoint pages. :globe_with_meridians::artist_palette:
