Get items from SharePoint List (Model Usage) via SharePoint Rest API (GetItems)

Copper Contributor

Dear Support,

I have a question about a SharePoint list "Model Usage".


Here are my questions:
1. For the list "Model Usage", is there any internal issue (Sharepoint side) when getting the items via SharePoint API? I found that the behaviour is not the same as other list. 
2. Can you suggest a correct way to get the items from this "Model Usage" list via SharePoint API (GetItems)



I tried to get the items from the list "Model Usage", I found that the server side will return the following error, but it's normal (no error) for other list.

    "odata.error": {
        "code""-2147024809, System.ArgumentException",
        "message": {

Here's my request message:


Here's my CAML query in the request body

{"query":{"ViewXml":"<View Scope ='RecursiveAll'><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name=\"FileDirRef\"\/><Value Type=\"Lookup\">\/sites\/trailaddress\/ModelUsage<\/Value><\/Eq><\/Where><\/Query><\/View>","__metadata":{"type":"SP.CamlQuery"}}}

In fact, I tried another test with "items" API. The behaviour is also strange. Here's the request and the response message.




    "odata.error": {
        "code""-2147467259, Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException",
        "message": {
            "value""Cannot complete this action.\n\nPlease try again."


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