Flow (manual) send multiple emails based on list items value

Copper Contributor

Hi Sharepoint devs


Having scoured examples and tut's I'm here asking for some pointers. I've managed to create a Flow triggered by creation or update to an item which sends an ICS calendar invite (thank you April Dunnam) to an email address within the same item.

Our next step is to allow triggering of a manual Flow which does the same thing but for multiple items in the list where a string matches the field [Title]. 

My question is, do you need to create a temporary array of all the items (how is that done?) that match the condition then, cycle through each item (Apply to each) and ping the emails or can you use Get Items (plural) which then magically instructs the Send Email step to do it's thing for each item that matches the condition?


Many thanks in advance 



@sharepoint @Flow

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