Export Data from SharePoint List into CSV File - Extra Characters Appearing

Copper Contributor

Hello Community,


I am working with SharePoint 2013 and PowerShell to export data from a SharePoint list into a CSV and in the process, I have noticed some odd characters being added.  Specifically, in front of many new sentences I see the "?" (question mark" symbol), and the "​" (European dollars symbol).  A portion of my code conversion code is shown below.  Has anyone else seen and solved this  problem and if so can you guidance and code examples to resolve it?






Foreach($Field in $view.ViewFields | Where {!$_.hidden} )
            # Process Field Names for String Manipulation
            $RepField0 = $Field.Replace("Additional_x0020_Information_x00","Additional Information 2")
            $RepField1 = $RepField0.Replace("_x0020_"," ")
            $RepField2 = $RepField1.Replace(";#","")
            $RepField3 = $RepField2.Replace("_x00","")
            $RepField4 = $RepField3.Replace("Second User Submitte","Second User Submitted")
            $RepField5 = $RepField4.Replace("Second Submitter Dat","Second Submitted Date")
            $RepField6 = $RepField5.Replace("Transformer Serial N","Transformer Serial Number")
            $RepField7 = $RepField6.Replace("PeopleSoft WO Activi","PeopleSoft WO Activity")
            $RepField8 = $RepField7.Replace("Second Submitter Use","Second Submitter User Name")
            $RepField9 = $RepField8.Replace("Second Submitter User Name0","Second Submitter User Email")                        
            $RepField10 = $RepField9.Replace("MSR or AS Orde","MSR or AS Order Number")
            $RepField11 = $RepField10.Replace("Author","Created By") 
            $RepField12 = $RepField11.Replace("ol_Department","Department") 
            $RepField13 = $RepField12.Replace("UniqueID0","UniqueID")
            #Process Author Field Value
            if ($Field -eq "Author"){

                # Process Field Values for String Manipulation
                $RepValueAuthor1 = $_["Author"] 
                $RepValueAuthor2 = $RepValueAuthor1 -replace '^\d+'  
                $RepValueAuthor3 = $RepValueAuthor2.Replace(";#","") 

                #*** Write Item to CSV File ***#
                $ExportItem | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name $RepField13 -value $RepValueAuthor3 -Force
                #Write-Host 'Name: ' $RepField12 'Author:' $RepValueAuthor3 #//For Testing Only

            } elseif($Field -ne "Created By") {

                #*** Write Item to CSV File ***#
                $ExportItem | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name $RepField13 -value $_[$Field] -Force
                #Write-Host 'Name: ' $RepField13 'Value:' $_[$Field] #//For Testing Only


            #Process Additional Information
            if ($RepField13 -eq "Additional Info" -or $RepField13 -eq "Additional Info 2" -or $RepField13 -eq "Additional Information" -or
            $RepField13 -eq "Additional Information 2" -And $_[$Field].length -gt 70){
                Write-Host "Field Name: " $RepField13
                $addInfo = $_[$Field]

                # Manage HTML Tags 1
                if($addInfo -like '*Span*'){

                   $addInfoSplit1 = $addInfo.Split('>')[3]
                   #Write-Host "Span - addInfoSplit1: " $addInfoSplit1 #//For Testing Only

                   $addInfoSplit1Ndx = $addInfoSplit1.IndexOf("<br/>")
                   #Write-Host "addInfoSplit1Ndx: " $addInfoSplit1Ndx #//For Testing Only

                   $addInfoNdx1 = $addInfoSplit1.IndexOf("<")
                   #Write-Host "addInfoNdx1: " $addInfoNdx1 #//For Testing Only

                   $addInfoLen1 = $addInfoSplit1.Length
                   #Write-Host "addInfoLen1: " $addInfoLen1 #//For Testing Only

                   if($addInfoLen1 -gt 0){
                   $addInfoSubStr1 = $addInfoSplit1.Substring(0,$addInfoNdx1)}

                   Write-Host "addInfoSplit1: " $addInfoSplit1 #//For Testing Only
                   Write-Host "addInfoSubStr1: " $addInfoSubStr1 "`n" #//For Testing Only

                   $addInfoSubStr3 = $addInfoSubStr1.Trim()

                # Manage HTML Tags 2
                } else {

                   $addInfoSplit1 = $addInfo.Split('>')[2]
                   #Write-Host "No Span - addInfoSplit1: " $addInfoSplit1 #//For Testing Only

                   $addInfoSplit1Ndx = $addInfoSplit1.IndexOf("<br/> ")
                   #Write-Host "addInfoSplit1Ndx: " $addInfoSplit1Ndx #//For Testing Only

                   $addInfoNdx1 = $addInfoSplit1.IndexOf("<")
                   #Write-Host "addInfoNdx1: " $addInfoNdx1 #//For Testing Only

                   $addInfoLen1 = $addInfoSplit1.Length
                   #Write-Host "addInfoLen1: " $addInfoLen1 #//For Testing Only

                   if($addInfoLen1 -gt 0){
                   $addInfoSubStr1 = $addInfoSplit1.Substring(0,$addInfoNdx1)}

                   Write-Host "addInfoSplit1: " $addInfoSplit1 #//For Testing Only
                   Write-Host "addInfoSubStr1: " $addInfoSubStr1 "`n" #//For Testing Only

                   $addInfoSubStr3 = $addInfoSubStr1.Trim()


                #*** Write Item to CSV File ***#
                $ExportItem | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name $RepField13 -value $addInfoSubStr3.ToString() -Force

            } elseif($RepField13 -eq "Additional Info" -or $RepField13 -eq "Additional Info 2" -or $RepField13 -eq "Additional Information" -or
            $RepField13 -eq "Additional Information 2") {

                #*** Write Item to CSV File ***#
                $ExportItem | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name $RepField13 -value " " -Force




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