Custom Search Web-Part

Brass Contributor


The image below shows a custom search web-part that I have come across, and I want to re-create this. Ideally the features are:  

  • Flexible width (adjusts to web-part width) 
  • Searches site contents only 


Does anyone know if there is a 'marketplace' for custom web parts like this?

Or better, know how to build this?  



2 Replies
The only marketplace with have for now for SharePoint Online is the SharePoint Store that AFAIK only contains SharePoint Add-ins, but not SPO WebParts. Best solution here for you is to take a look at the WebParts available in GitHub and also look for vendors that develop solutions for SPO using SPFx

Hi @jcgonzalezmartin 

Thanks for your suggestions! 

I am new to github - is it the 'sample' section that I would be looking for? 

I'm somewhat new to working with the SP framework, so I look at github but do not necessarily know what to do with these samples or where to 'install' them. *embarrassed*

Would you be able to help me with that?

