Custom Claims Provider - Not possible to Login

Brass Contributor

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,


I have set up Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) on a server.


I have mapped User Profiles with the ADFS.


I have created a test user in Active Directory.


The Account Name in the User Profile of this Test User is following:


i:0e.t|trusted identity provider (adfs)|


When I have placed this string into the people picker, people picker transformed this string into a link, which then has been added to the SharePoint group.


When I have clicked in the SharePoint group on this link, I have been redirected to the My Site of this user.


I could also login to the SharePoint site with this user.


After that I have deployed Custom Claims Provider and mapped the custom claims provider with the Trusted Identity Token Issuer:


$issuer = Get-SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer "Trusted Identity Provider (ADFS)"
$issuer.ClaimProviderName = "TestCustomClaimProvider2"


When I have then selected the test user from the people picker, then I have received following link in the SharePoint Group:




This Link does not lead to the User Profile and I also can not login into the SharePoint Site with this user.


Can you help me please?


Thank you very much.


With best regards

Ladislav Stupak



1 Reply

public class CustomClaimProvider : SPClaimProvider



// I have added following two objects into the custom claims provider class

// which inherits from the class SPClaimProvider

protected SPTrustedLoginProvider SPTrust;


protected string IssuerName => SPOriginalIssuers.Format(SPOriginalIssuerType.TrustedProvider, SPTrust.Name);


// I have added following two methods into the custom claims provider class

// which inherits from the class SPClaimProvider

public static SPTrustedLoginProvider GetSPTrustAssociatedWithCP(string providerInternalName)


            var lp = SPSecurityTokenServiceManager.Local.TrustedLoginProviders.Where(x => String.Equals(x.ClaimProviderName, providerInternalName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));


            if (lp != null && lp.Count() == 1)


                return lp.First();



            return null;



        protected bool Initialize()


            bool initialized = false;


            if (SPTrust == null)


                SPTrust = GetSPTrustAssociatedWithCP(ProviderInternalName);

                if (SPTrust != null)


                    initialized = true;





                initialized = true;



            return initialized;



       // I have called the method Initialize in following four methods

protected override void FillHierarchy

protected override void FillResolve(Uri context, string[] entityTypes, string resolveInput, List<PickerEntity> resolved)

protected override void FillResolve(Uri context, string[] entityTypes, SPClaim resolveInput, List<PickerEntity> resolved)

protected override void FillSearch


// I have replaced the calls of the protected SPClaim CreateClaim(string       

// claimType, string value, string valueType); method which is inherited from  

// the SPClaimProvider with following method. This Method below has one        

// parameter more and therefore does not conflict with the method from the      

// SPCLaimProvider class. The important part of this method is the parameter   

// IssuerName. Because this value builds the middle part of the token. The token

// must have this part identical with the token issuer to be able to login into

// the SharePoint site.

protected virtual SPClaim CreateClaim(string type, string value, string valueType, bool inputHasKeyword)


            return new SPClaim(type, value, valueType, IssuerName);




Following source helped me to solve this issue: