Can the Additional fields inside a lookup field contain another lookup field

Steel Contributor

I have 3 lists as follow:-

  1. ItemCategory

  2. Item

  3. Invoice

the Item list has a lookup field to the ItemCategory list

the Invoice list has a lookup field to the Item list.

now i am trying to get the ItemCategory title inside the Invoice list, but seems this is not available inside the UI, as follow, where the Additional Fields section for the Item list does not contain the lookup field to the ItemCategory list :-




the only work around i find is to add a lookup field to the Invoice list as well, which reference the ItemCategory,, but in this case i will have duplicate info for the Item and its Category (one inside the Item list and the other inside the Invoice list!!).. any advice?

1 Reply
Hi, you are right, you can't add lookup to the lookup, the way you described is applicable if you are using the out-of-box list to the end-users. If you using a custom solution, then you don't need to add the category inside the 'Invoice' list, since it can be retrieved based on the item lookup.

Hope it helps!