Best approach to integrate custom WebApps

Copper Contributor

I am working on a three server SharePoint Server 2019 OnPremise farm:

- 1 Index / Search Server (Application with Search)

- 1 Web Front End server (Front-end with Distributed Cache)

- 1 Database Server


In the beginning I used a lot of Javascript CSOM to customize client side behaviour, later on when computations became complex and heavy I decided to set up a server with an IIS instance and moving from Javascript to WebApplications .NET, in other words I created REST endpoints which work with .NET CSOM. This server is not part of the farm, so only CSOM is possible.


For some reasons (not going to explain) I have to switch to ServerApi and I was looking for the best approach to integrate these applications/server into the farm. The two scenarios are:


1. Adding a third server. This means set up a new server, install SharePoint adding it to an existing farm. 

2. Deploy them on one of the existing servers. I could choose one of the two servers, the main WFE or the Search-Server.


I think the best way would be set up a third Server and use its IIS for those applications, but I'm not really sure about it and what I have to do.

What do you think? What would you do and why?

Attached my configuration.

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