Apply PnP Template to Office 365 Group site

Brass Contributor

I recently exported a template (pnp) from an Office 365 Group site and then applied it to another Office 365 Group site. Unlike a classic site using modern pages, when I apply a template there, I cannot see the changes to the modern page. Why does this work for a classic site and not the modern site?


For the modern site, do we need to export as xml and make changes to the template file to get changes applied?


How do we know what will be applied and what won't? Is there a resource that can explain what a template OOTB can do or cannot do?  


Thanks in Advance!

4 Replies

have you used the latest versions of PNP as the clientpage comes by default in the xml.


Yes, I run the update command frequently just in case I miss a notice about an update.

SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline 2.20.1711.0


Should it refresh the Default page with new web parts that were added to the source site? 

My goal is to define the homepage for several sites. 


Also, if you can point me to a resource that explains how I can extract just the Pages and apply those that would be great. 


I have played with just running commands after the sites are provisioned. But, when I add a web part to the default page all previous web parts are removed. I have posted an issue on PnP-Sites-Core regarding that scenario. 




Hi Lou and it did not return your homepage in correct format?

Hi Paul,

The log file says that an overwrite flag is not set. So, the Home page was left as is. 

"Page with name Home.aspx did already exist and the overwrite flag was not set, so nothing happended"


So, it looks like I need to look into the template file and find the switch.  Slowly climbing the learning curve on this...


Having said that it looks like user error on my part. 


Thank you for trying to help!