New Viva Insights Capacity add-on licensing??

Silver Contributor
With the new licensing model for Viva Insights replacing WpA SKU
How do we trace/track the actual usage of "Capacity-based features"?
Do we have a table to list how many units per advance features etc such that we could plan properly whether we would need the add-on or not?
3 Replies

Hi @VI_Migration, thank you for posting. This documentation should answer your questions: Consumption model for Viva Insights | Microsoft Docs. Please let me know if you have anymore questions after reading this documentation.

@Jake_Caddes Thanks for the link to the details.

I am abit confused on usage calculation where the formula for units consumed = A * B * C * D but then in the sample calculation it also include /1000, which one is correct?


I think this would be rather extreme if this above example used 3500 units given that 5000 is the base units pack. So it might be an omission in the first formula for the units. I'd encourage you to use this formula to calculate how much a one year of Standard Person query would cost. I guarantee you some emotional moments at the end. And these are not-so-good emotions, I am afraid 😞