Sensitivity Label with encryption not available in Mac MS Office apps

Copper Contributor

The published sensitivity label with encryption doesn't seem to display on MS Office apps in Mac. It displays in Outlook but not in MS Office.

Outlook displays all labels.
Screen Shot 2020-04-14 at 11.58.23 AM.png

MS Word doesn't display encrypted labels.Screen Shot 2020-04-14 at 11.58.44 AM.png

2 Replies

@Mary Jane Cruz 


Hi Mary, the confidential sensitivity label is an Outlook only label which applies the do not forward option to outgoing emails.  So this behaviour is by design.  The same is true within Windows 10.  This is how the label is set...


Screenshot 2020-04-18 at 19.07.54.png


If you wanted a Confidential label of some description to appear in Word/Excel/PowerPoint as well, you could always create a custom label and set it to use the Set Permissions option as opposed to the Set-User defined permissions as shown above.  I have found this works well.  


Hope this helps.

Hi Mary,

i have the same problem.
Have you found any solution for this?