Unable to see secure score and therfore export CSV files

Copper Contributor



I have a demo tenant started for the past 72 hours.  I'm trying to have a play around with the secure score feature but there is no score showing.  I'd really like to test out how exporting CSV files work but obviously when switching to the analyser tab, it's completely blank.


Help would be much appreciated.



4 Replies

Works fine in my demo tenants, but they're older than 72h :) Perhaps try querying via the API? https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/securescorecontrolprofiles?view=graph-rest-beta

Thank you for the suggestion. Tried it and didn't work. Do you know where I could get my hands on the control list without exporting my own?

Just spin up a new tenant?

That's what I've done.