Jun 06 2019
07:26 PM
- last edited on
May 24 2021
03:13 PM
Jun 06 2019
07:26 PM
- last edited on
May 24 2021
03:13 PM
I'm testing out track and revoke in AIP. I followed the procedures in the doc but when I go to the document tracking site, shared documents aren't displayed. Are there delays? And if there are, what's causing it?
Jun 10 2019 10:48 PM
@invalidbit Hi. In the current implementation for document tracking and revocation, only documents protected through certain methods (e.g. from the AIP app) or documents that have been explicitly tracked will show in the document list.
The best way to track documents is directly from the documents. Either right-click on the document and select Classify and Protect, and then track and revoke, or open the document and use the Track and Revoke option from the Protect menu. Either way, you will be taken to the tracking page for that document where you will have all the tracking information, and you will be able to revoke the document from there.
In most cases, I recommend ignoring the document list view in the portal, since as explained above it won't show all documents, but the process detailed above provides you with equivalent but consistent results.
We are working on a redesign of the tracking functionality that will address these shortcomings, we will announce such developments in our Yammer community when we have something to share.
Hope this helps.
Jun 10 2019 10:56 PM
@Esaggese Thank you so much. Also, can you only track labels with protection settings (e.g. Confidential/Highly Confidential)?
Jun 10 2019 11:23 PM
@invalidbit In the current portal, yes. Some limited "tracking" can be done in the AIP Analytics portal for unprotected content, but it must be considered "best effort" since by definition unprotected content can be accessed under all circumstances including those that do not allow tracking (e.g. offline scenarios, non-Office clients, etc.).
Jun 12 2019 04:13 PM
@Esaggese Does this mean that in the redesign of track and revoke, unprotected content can/will be tracked?
Jun 12 2019 10:00 PM
@invalidbit There is already a limited ability to "track" unprotected content in the AIP analytics portal. There's an intent to extend that so it supports more scenarios associated with tracking, including tracking access to content by external users. But anything we do will be very limited since by definition no assurances can be made about access to unprotected content. If it is unprotected it can be opened offline without limitations, moved in the shadows and passed around without notice, so any "tracking" will be a best effort.